MONDAY, 6/28/10
This is going to be a full day as it begins with Coley Johnson’s mother, Cindy, having surgery this morning followed by Steve Lewis having surgery a bit later in the day. Bro. Kerry is covering those surgeries.
The visitation with the Lambert family (Melissa Brown) begins at 11:00AM until the noon service time. The visitation with the Billy Smith family begins at noon until the 2:00PM service time. Pray for those respective families.
Kevin Vice had a niece, Carol Stewart, pass away last week and there will be a memorial service for her this Thursday. She was 34 years old.
Pastor Terry Cutrer’s (Moffett Road Baptist) father, J.D., passed away last week and his service will take place today at 11:00AM. I was able to visit with Pastor Terry last night following our evening service. Pray for Pastor Terry as he preaches his dad’s service.
Miss Dottie Fore continues to weaken physically. Earl Gunter’s sister-in-law (Bill’s wife) has been diagnosed with leukemia and is in the hospital. Pattie told me yesterday that Gage is still having to take the steroids because of balance issues. Susan Quinn is getting less than desirable reports from the doctor. Ted Ezell remains in rehab. Jack Sims is at home recovering from his surgery.
Our students arrived safely at Wild Week yesterday afternoon. They had the first service last night and there were several salvation decisions. One of our students will be traveling today to join them for the rest of the week. Pray that this will be a time of spiritual renewal within the lives of our students.
This coming Sunday, 7/4, will see us have our 8:00 & 10:30AM worship services only. We will not have Sunday School or any evening activities and the buses will not be running their routes on Sunday morning. There will be no afternoon service either.
There are openings on the next two GRACE trips – July 15 – 22 (Bro. Jerry) & July 22 – 29 (Pastor). Interested persons should contact either Bro. Jerry or me.
Well, Nick Whistlebritches finally asked the question. Kaily Genzink called last night to tell me that they are officially engaged to be married next June. Congratulations to Nick & Kaily!
I am flying solo this week as Lisa and the girls are at camp. I don’t really like being by myself but it is what it is!
Hope you have a great Monday with Jesus.
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You always could have asked Soy to come home and keep you company while Lisa and the girls are gone.