
TUESDAY, 1/28/14

Today’s Bible reading – Exodus 5:22-7:25, Matthew 18:21-19:12, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 5:22-23

Here is what Reb Nevin posted as a comment on yesterday’s entry – “Rob had a very rough night…still has severe headache…he was able to eat broth and jello last night and swallow pills…PTL….keep the prayers coming…Our son,Robert, is also here…”

Folks, the very fact that he can swallow is a victory.  Keep praying for Rob and family.

Bill Goff had a stent placed in one of his carotid arteries yesterday as the blockage was at 90%.  Bernard and I prayed with him beforehand and then Bro. Jerry went to check on him.

Carolyn Blaylock is retaining fluid which is affecting her ability to breathe.  Pray that the doctors can find a way to give her some relief.  They drained the fluid on Sunday which provided immediate relief.

No change in Nikki’s situation in Jackson, MS.

The funeral service for Ed Whitehurst takes place today at 2:00PM in the Starkville, MS area.  Pray for the Whitehurst family.

It appears that we could have precipitation in the form of sleet, freezing rain, and possibly snow very late all afternoon and into the early morning hours.  Plans call for the church office to be open.

How about our church services for tomorrow morning and evening?  As it presently stands based on the forecast, we are good to go!  Now, I do not want anyone to take any chances if the conditions are deemed unsafe by you or the temperatures are just too cold.  Obviously, I am talking to the older people like Sammy & Myrtle Bowden but it can be applied to everyone.  Use sound judgment.

Bernard Suthoff went with me to Starkville and back yesterday.  Can you say “mistake?”  LOL.  My right ear is killing me from over use!  My wallet is much lighter as we stopped about every fifteen minutes to get him a “snack” and he seemingly did not have his wallet.  I felt like I was traveling with a woman as he had to “go” about every thirty miles.  It is designed to be about a nine hour trip and we were able to squeeze it in to fifteen hours!  Folks, we left Providence Hospital and he had me stop on Schillinger’s Road for lunch!  Reminded me of an old song, “Why Me Lord?”  Taking Bernard with you makes one miss having Soy tag along!

Be safe today, tonight and in the morning.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Bill Kendrick says:

    From ACLJ News Letter,

    Yesterday marked one year since Iran convicted and sentenced American Pastor Saeed for his Christian faith.
    One year of beatings, isolation from his family, and worsening medical conditions. But yet there is a renewed hope.
    Iran’s foreign minister has stated that “clemency” could be possible for Pastor Saeed – allowing for his release.
    This is the first positive sign we have seen from the Iranian regime and comes on the heels of improved prison conditions for Pastor Saeed.
    We must act now to build on this momentum of hope for Pastor Saeed’s freedom.
    In less than 24 hours, over 45,000 have signed our new petition urging Iran to give Pastor Saeed clemency and release him. But we need to hear from you now.
    Now is the time to speak with one voice. Iran, grant clemency. Send Pastor Saeed home.

    Sign Our New Petition Urging Clemency for Pastor Saeed Today.


    Jordan Sekulow
    ACLJ Executive Director

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