TUESDAY, 6/21/16
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)
Today’s Bible reading – 1 Kings 10-11; 2 Chronicles 9
I was unaware of the fact that Charles Wainwright’s mother was admitted to the hospital on Sunday. Maria told me yesterday afternoon that Mrs. Wainwright “could” be discharged today.
Kerri Lastorka’s sister, Kimberly Clark, will have surgery this morning. After many years of problems, they plan to amputate her right leg just below the knee. Pray that all goes well.
I spoke briefly to the men installing the CAB roof yesterday. They tell me that all should be done in two weeks. Remember, the CAB is closed this week.
Our students will meet in the auditorium this Wednesday night at 6:30PM while the adults will meet in the youth building for that service only.
There will be no 7:30PM Bible study at our house for the next two Wednesdays. Please note this and pass the word to others who are normally involved.
Josh Schlehuber has hit the ground running as our student ministry intern. He sent me a list of a number of activities for our students to be involved in this Summer. Details forthcoming.
Lisa and I are in the Mobile airport awaiting our flight to Guatemala City. Yesterday was a really long day of trying to get ready to leave which included pulling our corn. I pulled and shucked. Lisa, Ann, Gina, Alan, Brad & Daphne removed the silks. Lisa and Ann put it in the freezer. The Lord blessed our corn crop and He also blessed by letting it come in before we left for Guatemala.
Special thanks to Rusty for bringing us to the airport today. He is a much better driver than grass cutter – just saying!
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.
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