MONDAY, 4/30/18
“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)
I will have to be totally transparent in saying that I am still reeling from the events of yesterday as they relate to Sara Nell’s passing from this life. I found myself emotionally spent at the day’s end yesterday. I cannot even imagine how Carl Ray, Sid, Amy and the rest of the family feel. Death stings. Pray for Carl Ray and family.
Marie Brooks will have a biopsy this morning. Pray that the doctors can get clear idea on the problem Marie has been battling.
Larry Whitehurst has already had a blood test this morning. He will now meet with several doctors for consultation. Pray that Larry can get some good news today.
I felt that we had a good day in our services yesterday. Obviously, I was majorly distracted while preaching in the second morning service. I apologize. Jim Chinners did lead one of our youth to Jesus and she came to me after the service last night to share her decision. We give God the glory.
Love & The Outcome were a blessing in our services. I enjoyed their ministry. I was happy for Charlotte. Thank you for attending and for giving to their ministry.
Senior Adult day this Sunday, May 6, during our 10:30AM service. If you are a senior saint and have not signed up for the complimentary lunch, please do so today or tomorrow. Remember, Pastor Randy Johnson will be our guest preacher this Sunday in all three of our services. Invite other senior saints to join you!
Parent/child dedication on Sunday, May 13. We need those participating to let us know no later than tomorrow, 5/1, of their intentions.
Bobby and the boys are still struggling somewhat as are the Dodgers. What is up with that?
On a much lighter note to end this entry – Lisa and I were at a wedding reception late Saturday afternoon when a guy that I did not know said to me, “hey rev!” I replied and then he said, “you are the soccer ref!” (I had heard “rev” but he said “ref”) Folk, how embarrassing is that! I quickly told him that he had me confused with someone else! LOL!
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.
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