THURSDAY, 10/9/08
Our Wednesday at the Pastors’ Conference was a blessed day. Pastor Eddie Burdette and Evangelist Johnny Tucker did a great job of preaching in the joint sessions while Rex Looney continues to do a great job with the music. I listened to some of the break out sessions and those are proving to be very, very successful! The guys from the States are doing a superb job in teaching these men and women (we do have a few pastors who brought their wives along).
We had a scheduled break from 10:00AM until 11:30AM because the communications department of the seminary was making a presentation to the pastors. So, we drove to Pastores and had a time of prayer with Estuardo Morales who is the son-in-law of Pastor Max Lara. I appreciate the guys taking the time to do that and I know it meant a lot to Estuardo and his family.
Paul & Cristy Leytham prepared supper for us late yesterday afternoon and it was awesome! They have been so kind to provide this service. Louise Mason is very quietly staying behind the scenes keeping the place clean. John & Laurie King have been “johnny on the spot” too! GRACE Ministries is blessed!
Pray for Mark Mast! As the only Yankee on this trip, there is a language barrier for him and these bubbas are being pretty harsh. He has been “stoked” pretty good and it has affected his hearing! (I have not been a part of this as Mark Mast is one of the nicest guys I have ever known – but it has been funny and Mark is a great, great sport!)
I received an e-mail from Carla Felps Kyser yesterday and they have decided to continue to the course regarding her treatments. I simply ask that you keep praying!
Otherwise, I think everything is fairly quiet on the home front. I know our folks are getting ready for the women’s conference tomorrow night. Pray for that conference and pray for Tammy Bryant as she ministers during that time.
Today is going to be a busy day as we will come back to the mission house for lunch and then will not be back until 9:00PM or so. Pastor Rainey & Pastor Burdette are about to “bust” as Clemson plays on television tonight. I am not sure which high school they are playing but I do hope they win so these two guys will be in a good mood!
I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.