TUESDAY, 10/21/08
Yesterday was a full day for Lisa and me. We drove the hour and twenty minutes or so from Kalamazoo to Holland for Jennie Blauwkamp’s funeral service. The service was good and we surely enjoyed seeing Ken & Jean Assink. We then made it back to K’zoo just long enough to change clothes and drive the twenty-five minutes to Paw Paw where we joined one uncle and his wife, two aunts, two first cousins, two second cousins and the wife of one of the first cousins for a meal and time of fellowship. That was a great time!
Bro. Jerry sent me an update to let me know that Billy Smith did fine through his surgery even though he is in a lot of pain. He also said that Curtis Wilkinson has been moved from the ICU to a regular room and is battling with some pneumonia. He may be moved to a rehab facility in a few days. Pray for these folks.
Today is going to be busy as we prepare for the annual pig roast. Caroline Ford and Betty Creech arrived by plane late yesterday afternoon and will be leading the cooking aspect of this happening. I am very thankful to the Lord for our Michigan friends and their involvement in GRACE Ministries. Pray that this will be a meaningful evening of celebration and worship.
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.