Emma Nicole Garrison made her appearance into this world today at 10:59AM. She checked in at eight pounds and is twenty-one inches long. Congratulations to Wes & Jennifer on the birth of their second child!
Emma Nicole Garrison made her appearance into this world today at 10:59AM. She checked in at eight pounds and is twenty-one inches long. Congratulations to Wes & Jennifer on the birth of their second child!
We had a blessed day in the Lord’s house yesterday. What a joy to see Allyssa Rolls make a public profession of faith in our evening service.
Teresa Hanson called me after the service last night to share that Mr. Sonny Hanson’s son, Steve, had passed away. Of course, Steve is the brother of Joe & John and he lived in the Niceville, Florida area. I don’t know any of the details but do know that we need to pray for this family.
Wes & Jennifer Garrison will welcome their second child, and first daughter, into the world today. Pray for them as Jennifer gives birth today.
Raymond Wilkinson tells me his dad is doing well. Keep praying!
There was a shooting on the University of Central Arkansas campus last night leaving two students dead. I mention this only because that is where Ryan & Ashley Ciak are students. Ryan & Ashley are the children of Jack & Carolyn Ciak from Casa Aleluya in Guatemala.
Our senior adults left this morning bound for Gatlinburg, TN. Pray for them as they travel and enjoy these next few days away.
We are in full countdown mode for the Hallelujah Festival this Friday, 10/31, from 5:00 – 8:00PM. As always, workers needed!
My wife is away for a meeting with State Farm so I am Mr. Mom again which means I have to go get the girls ready for school. Fun times!
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.
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