THURSDAY, 10/23/08
The Lord blessed as Lisa and I arrived home safely around 10:45AM today. We left Holland, MI around 10:30AM (Central Time) yesterday morning bound for Madison, WI. We arrived there around 3:30PM. Eddie & Sue enjoyed three hours or so of fellowship with Betsy and three other adopted girls from China. We left Madison at 6:30PM arriving in Hartselle, AL at 5:30AM. A quick switch to our own vehicle and it was off to Grand Bay. So, in about 24 hours we traveled 1,350 miles through 7 states. The best news is that I slept all the way through Tennessee so I never knew we were in that state! Seriously, we are very, very thankful to God for His traveling mercies upon us. Thank you for your prayers.
Shea Childress is having a surgical procedure done today. Shea is the granddaughter of Sammy & Myrtle Bowden. Otherwise, I think all of the folks remain basically the same.
Bro. Benny McGath left me a voice mail stating that we still have a need for 4 coaches for Upward. Please contact him if you are willing to serve in this ministry!
I pray that you will have a great Thursday afternoon with Jesus.