SATURDAY, 10/25/08
The “WALK FOR LIFE” takes place today beginning at 8:00AM. Pray for those who are walking as all proceeds from this event go to help the Women’s Resource Center which is known as Sav-A-Life. Thank you to those who are walking and to those who have sponsered them financially.
Neely Hatcher & Kaylie Nelson will become Mr. & Mrs. Charles Neely Hatcher this afternoon at 3:00PM on the island. Pray for them and their families.
Billy Smith is at home and doing well in his recovery from knee surgery. Curtis Wilkinson remains in a rehab hospital but is doing well. Continue to pray for Joyce Bosarge, Carla Kyser, and Phyllis Bush.
I want to thank Morris & Diane Bryant, Sammy Bowden, Jim & Carol Bryant, and Melissa Bailey for preparing and serving the meal for the Bryant football team yesterday. They did a great job!
Also, congratulations go to the Bryant Hurricanes as they defeated Theodore last night by a score of 24 – 21 in double overtime. Theodore had 298 total yards of offense while Bryant managed only 98 yards. However, the only numbers that matter are those on the scoreboard when the game is over! I personally think it must have been the pep talk delivered after the meal by Morris Bryant!
Well, today is that “third” Saturday in October! It’s Bama vs UT! It’s Michigan vs Michigan State! It’s Penn State vs Ohio State! It’s Georgia vs LSWho! I like college football!
I hope to see the members of the Friendship family in church tomorrow. I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.