“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Happy New Year! I got to working on some stuff and stayed up until well after midnight. I do not really remember the last time I was up when the new year came in. It really does seem that time passes more quickly the older I become.
Visited with Elaine Brown yesterday afternoon. She was in ICU but was gracious enough to speak with me and to ask us to keep praying. So, please do.
Continue to pray for Tim’s father, Les Knighten.
The church office is closed today. It will open tomorrow at 8:00AM.
Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening with one exception – no choir until next Wednesday, 1/9.
A challenge has been issued for folks to give to the building of the school in Guatemala. Every cent given or pledged during the month of January will be matched dollar for dollar up to one hundred thousand dollars. Folks, this is an incredible offer. Yesterday we received over fourteen thousand dollars and the anonymous donor has agreed to include that amount in the challenge. So we now need eighty four thousand five hundred dollars to match this challenge. God can do this – through us! There is going to be a video/audio blog on shininglightabroad.com either today or tomorrow. It is only a tad over three minutes long so watch it and then share it with others.
I have learned how to add folks who would like to receive this blog via e-mail. If interested, please send me an e-mail and I will add you to the list. The daily blog will then be sent directly to your inbox once I post. Three of our thirteen readers are already using this service and they like it!
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.