TUESDAY, 1/22/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
The Friendship family is blessed in the fact that we presently have no one in the hospital. We give God the glory and continue to pray for those who are at home not feeling well.
Hope Roberts’ surgical procedure went well. She will get the pathology report at some point next week.
Talked to Larry Whitehurst yesterday and he is still set to be in Florida at the end of this month.
This is a slow time of the year for me sports wise. I really do not watch much in the way of college basketball until March Madness. So, my television time is basically zero these days. That is not necessarily a bad thing.
We are going to warm up a bit they say and have rain tonight and tomorrow. Then our temperatures are supposed to drop back into the thirties for seven of the next eight nights beginning tomorrow night. That is what I am talking about! I would personally love some nights in the twenties but it is what it is and God knows.
Spoke to Ross Genzink yesterday morning and our friends in Michigan are enjoying temperatures below zero. They cannot match Mark Mast but they can definitely top us!
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.