“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Terry Brooks is scheduled to have a heart cath this morning. Pray that the doctor can get a good look and then for wisdom if anything needs to be done.
I did not make it to the hospital until around 3:30PM or so yesterday and Elaine Brown had already been discharged. I am happy for her. Pray that she can completely recover from the surgery and the heart issues she has been dealing with recently.
Visited with Danny & Anita Lafferty yesterday. He was a happy camper as he is set to be released from the rehab on Friday. He will then have home health for a while followed by outpatient therapy. Remember, we will receive a special offering for Danny & Anita on Sunday, 1/13, in all three services.
Roy Blodgett took a fall and had to be admitted to the hospital.
JoNell Barnes has gone back to Birmingham to be with her daughter, Carol.
Keep praying for Tim Knighten’s father, Les Knighten.
I have not spoken to Bobby Jack regarding Bobby Joe’s visit with his surgeon.
Jeanette sees the doctor again tomorrow to have the stents (I think that is what they call them) removed.
We had a good first Wednesday of 2019 yesterday. Our morning attendance in the auditorium was better than our evening attendance. I am very thankful to folks who are faithful to attend on Wednesdays.
The momentum for the construction of a school in Guatemala continues to build. We received a one thousand dollars pledge yesterday and received word that a five thousand dollars check is in the mail. So, that equates to being twelve thousand dollars once it is matched. Praise the Lord!
Ticket prices for the national championship game on Monday have dropped to around two hundred dollars upper level. Several reasons – game is in California, folks cannot afford to attend both a semifinal game and the championship game, the nation is tired of Alabama vs Clemson every season. They should change the venue to Ladd Stadium and it would be a sell out. Just saying.
I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.