SUNDAY, 1/13/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Word coming from Guatemala is that Teresita and the baby are both doing ok. The baby weighed four pounds or so. Keep praying.
Charles Suthoff was discharged from the hospital late Friday night. Keep praying for him.
The visitation with Scott Older and family takes place tomorrow from 5:00 – 8:00PM at First Baptist followed by the service on Tuesday morning at 11:00AM also at First Baptist. Scott, Bo and the girls are very faithful members of the Friendship family. What a great young family! I pray that the members of the Friendship family will support this family during this time.
Regular schedule this morning and evening. Finance Committee meets at 5:00PM.
Special love offering today for Danny & Anita Lafferty in all three of our services. Pray and then give as the Lord leads. (Ushers, we will go back to back on these offerings)
Have you prayed about giving to the school construction offering? About making a pledge in January? Have you shared the video? Have you asked others to consider giving? The clock is ticking! Pray and then do as the Lord leads.
Have you noticed the back forty in the past few days? If not, take a look today. Many thanks to Steve Morris for his dedication to keeping that area looking good. Just as soon as the doctor released him he was right back at it! Steve & Virginia are such a vital part of the Friendship family.
Props to Bob Evans for helping with the memorial service which took place in our auditorium late yesterday afternoon. Bob was a tremendous help to me (if I were a supervisor at UPS the dude would have a job in November/December – just saying!). Thanks Bob! Likewise, Tina Wilkinson and James Mareno did very well ministering too.
I gave Kendall Falana one job to do and he. . . The only thing I know to do is to maybe have Bob Evans work with Kendall trying to teach him a few things – LOL! (In Kendall’s defense, Amy Huhn is his cousin so he does have an excuse!)
One of the hot topics right now concerning college football is “who will be Alabama’s next offensive coordinator?” Chip? Steve?Butch? Well, let me give you the inside scoop – remember the name Eric! Just saying! (And remember that you heard it here first!).
Lord willing, Lisa and I will drive to New Orleans early in the morning in order to catch a plane to Lima, Peru. The flight from ATL to LIM is just short of seven hours – ouch! If all goes as planned, we will arrive back in Grand Bay next Saturday, 1/19.
I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus. Go to church!