“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Bro. Andy Hamil is scheduled to have hip surgery this morning. He fractured his left hip in his fall yesterday morning. Pray that all goes well. Pray for Miss Betty as she waits beside him.
I posted the arrangements in an earlier post for Tim Knighten’s dad. Pray for Tim and family as they walk through this valley.
Lisa and I will travel to Columbus, Georgia today for my Uncle Will’s visitation and service. We will meet my dad, older brother and his wife in the Montgomery area and then travel together from there.
As far as I know, Danny Lafferty was sent home yesterday. Keep praying for Danny and remember that we will receive a love offering for Danny & Anita next Sunday, 1/13.
Basketball today beginning at 8:00AM and our bus workers meet at 8:30AM. Pray for these two ministries.
Regular schedule for the Friendship family tomorrow morning and evening. Deacons meet at 4:00PM. Buildings and Grounds committee meets at 5:00PM.
We have now received fifteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars in January toward the building of the school in Guatemala. We have also received an additional two thousand nine hundred fifty dollars in pledges. That totals eighteen thousand seven hundred dollars which when matched will be thirty seven thousand four hundred dollars. Praise the Lord!
I am an Alabama fan and I am tired of seeing Monday’s night game advertised over and over and over and over! Just play the game!
I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.