TUESDAY, 1/8/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Tim Knighten’s father will be buried in Quitman, MS today. I appreciate Jeff Holifield and Grant Tillman going to Milton, FL yesterday for the visitation with the family. The pastor did a nice job with the service and Peggy wrote a nice poem about Tim’s father which she read during the service. Keep praying for the Knighten family.
Visited with Andy Hamil yesterday morning. He may be discharged at some point today but will be going to a rehab facility instead of home. Obviously, he needs some physical therapy. Pray for Andy & Betty.
Thank you to those who asked about Jayden. He has been diagnosed with a fever virus which is not contagious. I had never heard of this type virus until yesterday when my niece, Jamie, told me about it.
Are you serious? 44 – 16! Hey, I am am Alabama fan and I wish they had won last night’s game. However, as a follower of Jesus, how can you not like Coach Dabo Swinney? His initial interview after the game was amazing as he definitely gave God all of the glory. The Lawrence kid was amazing and the Ross kid was even more amazing. In my opinion, Alabama was outplayed and outcoached in last night’s game. Congratulations to Coach Swinney and his Clemson Tigers in becoming the first 15 – 0 team in the modern era of college football.
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.