THURSDAY, 1/24/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Happy first birthday to our grandson, Jayden! Wow, did that year ever get by in a hurry! I appreciate all who have been so very kind to Jayden. I hope his day is great!
Anna Carol will see another specialist tomorrow with the plan being to deaden the nerve that has been causing her the pain. I think tomorrow will be preparatory in nature and the actual procedure will come later. Keep praying for Anna Carol.
The visitation with the Perkins family takes place from 10:00AM until 12:00PM this Saturday, 1/26, at Serenity Funeral Home. The graveside service will take place at 12:30PM in the Grand Bay Cemetery. Pray for the Perkins family during this time.
The Friendship family will be providing a meal for the Perkins family following the service. If you can help, please contact Tina Wilkinson or call the church office today.
The visitation with the Rogers family takes place on Monday, 1/28, from 10:00AM until the 12:00PM service time. This will all take place at Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home. Pray for Amber, Morgan and the family as they walk through this valley.
We enjoyed a good day in our services yesterday. I am thankful to those who are faithful to attend.
The Friendship family will host a service at the Mission of Hope tomorrow night, 1/25, beginning at 7:00PM. Everyone invited.
The weather experts say the high for today is 53 degrees followed by 54 and 58 – nice! The lows for the next three nights are supposed to be 34, 33 & 37 – very nice! They are calling for a low of 28 degrees next Tuesday night with a high of 48 on Wednesday – “shut the front door!” I like it!
I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus!