MONDAY, 1/14/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Good morning from the New Orleans airport. Lisa and I arrived here way early expecting possible longer than usual lines, delays, et cetera but none of that proved true. So, we have plenty of time as we wait on our flight to Atlanta. We “only” have four hours to make our connection once in Atlanta. It is all good!
The biggest news out of the Turrentine family today is that today is Sydney’s first day of school in Guatemala. Her teacher speaks zero English and Sydney speaks zero Spanish – should be fun! We pray Sydney has a great day and Lizzi too!
I am in hopes the Friendship family will show up and support Scott Older and his family tonight as they grieve the loss of Scott’s maternal grandfather. The visitation with the family takes place from 5:00 – 8:00PM at First Baptist Grand Bay. The service takes place tomorrow at 11:00AM also from First Baptist. Pray for the Mahathy family.
Regular schedule for the Friendship family on Wednesday – morning and evening. Bro. Jerry Hovel will be preaching/teaching in my absence.
Lord willing, I will be back in the pulpit this Sunday for all three services.
“Hey pastor, how about Joey? You think he does?” LOL!
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.