“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Pray for Tim Knighten and family today as they continue the process of making the arrangements following the passing of Tim’s father last night.
Larry Whitehurst will travel to the Mayo Clinic at the end of this month for a MRI and to meet with the various doctors. Keep praying for Larry.
Bobby Jack called me yesterday to say that the surgeon said the pain and discomfort being experienced by Bobby Joe is pretty much common because of the severity of the surgery. Bobby Joe meets with an oncologist on 1/10.
Danny Lafferty is set to be released from the rehab facility today. Pray for his continued therapy. Remember the special offering for Danny & Anita on Sunday, 1/13, in all three services.
Lord willing, Lisa and I will leave early in the morning to travel to Columbus, Georgia for my Uncle Will’s funeral service. I have been asked by my cousin, Jamie, to preach that service. Prayers appreciated.
Regular schedule this Sunday – morning and evening. Deacons are asked to meet at 4:00PM. The Buildings & Grounds Committee is asked to meet at 5:00PM.
Well, Lisa and I were so very happy to see December 12, 2018 come as that meant Deidra and the girls would arrive from Guatemala. We are not so very happy for tomorrow to come as it means that Deidra and the girls will leave here to spend a week with Soy’s parents and will then depart from there bound for Guatemala. Who ever knew that twenty four days could pass so quickly? We are very thankful to each person who has loved on our daughter and her family during these twenty four days. We are even more thankful to each person who has invested in their lives through prayer, love and finances over the past eighteen months as they have ministered in Guatemala. Our ultimate “thank you” goes to the Lord Jesus for calling them, using them and keeping them. Thank you Jesus for these precious days with family! (Please note that I do not count Charles or Soy in the “family” number – just saying!)
We have twenty seven more days under the “dollar for dollar” matching program to give to the construction of the school in Guatemala. Yes, up to one hundred thousand dollars will be matched dollar for dollar during the month of January. Someone gave fifty dollars yesterday which became one hundred dollars because of the match.
One can purchase a ticket in the lower level end zone for Monday night’s CFB championship game for $228 with all fees included. The scalpers are probably not going to come out on the plus side on this one. Am I going? No. As I have written earlier, Eddie & Sue along with Lisa and I are going to Peru the following week so I do not want to be gone back to back weeks. Plus, I leave for Guatemala on the last day of the month.
The forecast lows in Grand Bay for the next three nights are forty, forty one, and forty nine degrees – talk about Winter! Folks, this old boy likes cold weather during the Winter months and we simply are not getting any cold temperatures this Winter.
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I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.