SATURDAY, 1/12/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Those who have traveled to Guatemala in the past know Pastor Max & Teresa Lara along with many of their children. Their daughter, Teresita, was thirty two weeks pregnant and, as I understand it, had a c-section just before midnight last night. As far as I know, baby and mother are doing well. They are in the national hospital in Antigua. Please pray for the baby, Teresita and her husband, Ignacio. I will update as I get information or if things change.
Speaking of Guatemala, the Friendship family will receive a love offering in all three services tomorrow for Danny & Anita Lafferty. As you know, Danny had heart surgery and suffered a stroke on December 14, 2018. He was very recently released from the hospital and rehab. Pray and then give as the Lord leads.
I am not sure if Charles Suthoff remains in the hospital. Pattie will let me know today. Pray for Charles.
I posted the obituary for Scott Older’s maternal grandfather. The visitation will take place Monday night and the service on Tuesday. Both will take place from First Baptist Grand Bay. Pray for the family as they walk through this valley.
Regular schedule tomorrow – morning and evening. Lord willing, I will be in the pulpit all three services.
Tyrone Crawley & Tim Knighten – please check your e-mail today, if possible.
Soy, Deidra and the girls had an uneventful trip back to Guatemala yesterday. Their flight out of Atlanta was delayed but they eventually got to the mountain in El Tejar safe and sound. I miss Deidra and the girls.
We really need a strong final two weeks in January of giving to or pledging to give toward the school construction in Guatemala. Our Ladies Helping Hands made a nice contribution yesterday. I appreciate the generosity of those ladies. Remember, all gifts/pledges in January will be matched dollar for dollar. We are going to need at least three hundred thousand dollars to make this school a reality building wise not including furnishing it or the operational costs. We believe this is a God thing and the He will move on hearts to help. Will you help? Give and pass the word to others. Share the video found on All gifts are tax deductible.
The first mission team of 2019 arrived on the mountain yesterday as they are staying in the L.G. Camp, Jr. Mission House. This team is from Michigan. Pray for them. The first three teams of 2019 are from Michigan. The fourth and fifth teams will be led by me and they are heavily populated with Michiganders too. Thank God for Michigan!
I am going to predict that Jalen Hurts will eventually end up at Miami for his final year of college football. I know a girl who used to date Jalen so you can say that I have inside information! I commend Jalen for the way he has handled himself over the past year plus now. Class act.
I think Paul Tagliabue has been trying to contact me to get me to watch the NFL games again. Thanks but not thanks! I hear the Saints are good this year and I would love to watch them but respect for the American flag remains more important to me. So, my boycott of the past two seasons remains in effect.
Remember, it is highly possible that I will not blog again until Monday, 1/21, as Lisa and I will be in Peru. I am not sure if Al has installed internet there or not. Bro. Jerry will preach in my absence on Wednesday, 1/16.
I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus!