“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Charles Suthoff was admitted to the hospital last night. Pray for him, the medical personnel, and Bernard & Pattie as they have had a lot on their plate lately. (Pattie literally just called to say that Charles was kept in PACU last night and they are not certain what will happen today. He “could” be sent back to the convalescent facility today. Pattie has been very faithful to keep me posted and will do so today)
Bobby Joe Felps met with an oncologist yesterday afternoon. His malignancy is stage three. The doctor is content to just watch it for the time being. He stressed that Bobby Joe had major surgery and will be out of commission for another couple of months. Keep praying for Bobby Joe and family.
Andy Hamil was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday and was able to go home – not to rehab. Keep praying for Andy & Betty.
I talked to Tim Knighten yesterday. Obviously, he and Peggy are still in the grieving process. Just keep them in your prayers, please.
Pray for those being affected by the government shutdown.
Soy, Deidra, Lizzi, Sydney & Audrey left this morning heading back to Guatemala. (That noise you heard around 6:30AM was Sydney screaming!). Actually, I think she did fairly well this go around. Lisa and I are working on getting the girls back to Alabama during the Summer when they have a school break so they can eat watermelon and swim.
We are on a regular schedule this Sunday morning and evening. That includes Sunday School, Discipleship Training and adult choir. I pray the members of the Friendship family will be faithful in all areas. Lord willing, I will be in the pulpit for all three services.
Love offering for Danny & Anita Lafferty this Sunday in all three services. Pray and then give as the Lord leads. God used Danny to open the door for our ministry in Guatemala. I have never forgotten that kindness.
We have twenty one days to either give or pledge toward the school construction in Guatemala for those gifts/pledges to be matched. Thank you to those who have done so already and to those who are going to do so this month or later. Remember, we are asking that, if possible, all pledges be paid by September 30, 2019. Will you pass the word, share the video, direct others to shininglightabroad.com, et cetera?
Basketball in the morning beginning at 8:00AM. Bus workers meet at 8:30AM tomorrow. Finance Committee meets Sunday at 5:00PM.
A special thanks to Danny Lewis for filling in the potholes in the church parking lots. He has done a nice job. Macgyver is a Danny Lewis wannabe!
Lisa and I have plans to travel to Peru next week. I know some Poiroux’s but I have never been to Peru. This trip has been years in the making and can only be taken by us in January. Not my choice of dates but we had to fit it in when my Uncle is there. Eddie & Sue will be our traveling companions. Our plan is to be home on Saturday, 1/19, with plans to be in the pulpit on Sunday, 1/20. I said all of that to simply say that I do not know if I will blog during our time away. Not sure about internet access, our schedule, et cetera. Just FYI.
Since I am no longer watching the NFL (two years now), I have decided to not apply for the draft. Just saying!
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus!